Grant Opportunities


1. Is guidance on compliance available in Myanmar language?

Guidance on compliance is not currently available in Burmese. However, when we sign the grant agreement, our grant team will provide orientation.

2. Can we get exemption for branding and marking because there will be some problems with those who control the areas when we use the logo of donor?

Grantees of the requirement to comply with the ADS 320 Branding and Marking policies and where possible, the Burmese language translation of the USAID tagline is to be used. Based on on-the-ground safety and security considerations, per the procedures outlined in ADS 320, DISP will request waivers (upon request) from marking requirements for affected grantees.

3. We work along the Thai-Burma border. Can we buy goods from Thailand?

Yes. Goods can be purchased from Thailand, and there are currently no prohibited source countries. Other legal restrictions on procurement, e.g., OFAC sanctions, may apply to particular procurements of a specific source or nationality.