Grant Opportunities

Project Duration & Budget

1. We don’t think that the grant duration of 12 months can have a significant impact in the education sector. So, can we submit a project for 3 years and receive yearly funding?

We encourage applicants to submit proposals as a ‘proof of concept,’ with the ability to expand beyond one year provided additional funding is available. This does not guarantee that your grant will be extended, but we encourage you to think about what approach will be most impactful.

2. Can we apply for Indirect Costs?

If you have a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA), you may use it in your budget, provided that you can provide documentation of the agreed institutional rate. If you don’t have NICRA, an Indirect Cost budget line can be included to cover core costs. Organizations may use a flat De Minimis rate of 10% which can be applied to the Modified Total Direct Cost base. Alternatively, core costs may be budgeted as direct costs.

3. Does the grant provide support for administrative costs?

Yes, administrative costs can be included.

4. Is there any specific ratio for administrative versus programmatic costs?

There is no specific ratio, but the costs should skew towards direct program costs.

5. Can a project have cost share from another donor?

Funds from other outside donor sources cannot be included as cost share. Though cost share is encouraged, it is not required to receive a grant.

6. How do we allocate shared costs for staff salaries?

The Grant Evaluation Committee will convene every two months. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Specific deadlines for each round can be seen in the APS.

7. Will DISP conduct an audit of our accounts, or should we include audit fees in our budget?

DISP will conduct monitoring visits during the grant period of performance, which includes financial spot checks. Both DISP and USAID may audit a grant as part of their respective audit plans.

A Grantee that expends $750,000 or more during the Grantee’s fiscal year in USG awards must have a single or program-specific audit.

Costs to cover required audits are allowable and may be included in the grantee’s budget. DISP will provide further guidance, on a case-by-case basis, during the Grantee’s application process.

8. We can’t provide 3 years of audit statements as we have not previously received international funding and have no experience of working with an international organization?

Prior years’ audit statements are not required. If you are provisionally considered for funding, we will conduct a pre-award assessment of your financial systems. If the assessment identifies areas for improvement, we will provide the support needed.

9. Should we open a bank account in a private or government bank?

For organizations and individuals applying for grants within Burma with a Burmese bank account, they will only be eligible to receive funds if the bank is not on a sanctions list. Otherwise, they must demonstrate during the application phase that they are able to receive funds through an international bank located inside or outside of Burma.

10. Which type of bank account should we open for this grant?

Grantees must maintain bank accounts under the name of the organization specified in the grant agreement. In cases when advances will be provided, DISP will require the grantee to keep the funds in an interest-bearing account. Interest accrued on grant funds in excess of $500 annually will be remitted to DISP.  Under $500, the Recipient may use it for program purposes. Otherwise, we encourage you to open a current account rather than a savings account if there is no advance payment.